Organic FaceBook Promo with The Trails!

In less than a week, we reached 14,600 people on Facebook alone. Now that’s the POWER of Social Media!

We’ve posted on their website, throughout Social Media channels and on their Facebook page.

It was so successful, we repeated for June in time for Friday the 13th, the FULL MOON & Father’s Day!

FaceBook Promo without Paying for Ads!

Coming next:

  • New print map
  • Interactive map
  • Local business coupon booklet
  • Billboards, magazines in GTA & Ottawa.

Looking to attract tourists? Visitors to your business? Partner with them!

Call Cindy 613.478.1444

Medical Sales Booklet

BIHC Medical Booklet

Dr. Matt @BIHC – Belleville Integrative Health Centre is excited about his new medical sales booklet!

Thanks for being such a great ‘Sport’ Matt! SEO (search engine optimization), eNews System coming next. Stay tuned!

Cohesive Branding

Lots of branding, marketing and #print projects delivered lately!

Remember web is where it’s at, but you need print too!

Posters and Info Cards

Open Line Open Mind Posters & Info Cards

Cohesive Messaging = INCREASED PROMOTION!

Watch out for these posters and handy fold-over info cards for OpenLine OpenMind! Help spread the word about this important Community Service. Like and Share them on Facebook!

The Region is bustling with new marketing projects. Have a look-see at some of the latest Engine launches, deals and business opportunities

Opportunity for Businesses!

Andrew & Matt, part of the management team at Your Belleville Bulls were in the other day, doing the final check on their latest print booklet – Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities with the Bulls and Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre! 

Call 613.966.8338 to get on board.

Words That Get Your Content Shared!

Well, this is one handy Infographic!

We do quite a lot of Social Media Management over here at Engine. It certainly is true that WHAT you SAY and HOW you SAY IT makes a big difference in engaging people online. Of course the ‘Likes’ of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and so on, change the rules all of the time, but your audience always reacts to engaging content. Because, guess what? They’re human!

What’s the Rule?

Be real. Be transparent. Provide interesting, valuable information (CONTENT) via images and text to keep user’s interested. Practice different ways of sending your message. Here’s a handy guide that offers great insight on how important your words really are.

Need help with Content Marketing? Contact Us >

Free Marketing Consultation from Engine Communications

Looking to Increase Sales and/or Awareness?

Aren’t we all! Sometimes it’s hard to come up with ideas for marketing your business or organization, especially if you’re right in the thick of it. It helps to have someone who’s not connected to you to take the time to stop and see what message you really are sending, see how you come across and to look at everything from an entirely new angle.

As marketing professionals, we can identify overall impressions. We can come up with many solutions for you, that don’t have to cost an arm and a leg too!

Because we’ve all had enough of winter and it’s time for a fresh start.

Because we know we can help.

Because we cover everything from branding to messaging, strategies, web, mobile, social, SEO, print and multi-media…….

We’re offering a special, limited time TREAT just FOR YOU.  No strings. Just because we love to come up with marketing ideas.

Yes, we’re nerds. To us, it’s fun. Weird eh?

Sign up for your complimentary One Hour – Ten Ideas meeting with
Laura, your Marketing Director at Engine Communications by going here >

Don’t waste your money!

Fabulous design means nothing without a Marketing & Messaging Strategy. It’s about increasing sales, awareness and growth. Anything else is just a waste of Your Money.

See how & check out Engine’s latest marketing projects.

More »

How can I increase my open rate on enewsletters?

There are a ton of elements you can vary to try to entice more of your subscribers to open up your emails. Here are just a few things you could try:

  • Experiment with your subject lines: Try including details about the content of the email right in the subject line, instead of using your standard subject.
  • Send on a different day: Are your subscribers too busy on a Wednesday morning to read your email, leaving it languishing down the inbox? Maybe a Tuesday afternoon email would be welcomed.
  • Get the important content up the top: Remember that many people will see a preview of your email before deciding to open it or ignore it. Make sure your email is recognizable, and that your key points are in the top third.

Get custom designed enews templates and systems from Engine Communications >

You Can Have Your Own Marketing Team

Ongoing Marketing Support Program

Some of our clients go onto our monthly marketing program. This may work well for you. Everyone on our team here at Engine Communications, has between 15 – 20 years of marketing experience that can really help you to increase sales and awareness. We can help with a primary plan of action, as it helps with productivity and costs.

You can have your own Marketing Team.

We set aside an agreed-upon monthly marketing budget as your dedicated marketing team. Typical time varies around 2-10 hours/week.

In this instance, we can help to prioritize, identify, consult, create and manage items like:

  • Website updates
  • Online Consulting
  • Social Media Management/Supervision
  • Graphic Design
  • Coding & Programming
  • Custom Designed Ads for Web and Print
  • Content Creation
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Deal with pesky phone book advertising sales people
  • Inbound Marketing Campaigns
  • On-site Communications Tools
  • Can also include consulting, review & recommendations for:
  • Events
  • Reports
  • Signage – Interior and Exterior

………………..whatever is needed to increase your business sales, awareness of your organization, your Engine Marketing Team is here for you.

If you need help ongoing or just from time to time, click here to Contact Us to discover the possibilities.