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#Mobilegeddon ???

Yes! Thanks to GOOGLE!

GOOGLE RULES THE RULES when it comes to web! Oh yes, they decide where your website shows up on searches and they change up the rules, whenever they fancy.

The latest rule: Google will penalize your business  by lowering your rankings, (where your website shows up on Google), on phone searches, if your website doesn’t format properly on mobile.

This also includes ‘pinching’ to zoom into content.

Page 1 down to page 10? Possible, hence #mobilegedden. Websites that automatically change sizes for devices are to get Google ranking boosts.

Responsive Websites by Engine

Our latest launch: eCommerce website responsive to mobile phones, iPads and desktop by Engine. Congrats Lisa! Visit:

Businesses and organizations are scrambling to renovate their websites.

Ya, your #website needs to be #responsive to phones, like yesterday! #Mobilegeddon, brought to you by your friends at Google, is here NOW.

Andrew’s website is also responsive to mobile devices. Click the phone number on your cell to call Andrew. Visit”

Why is a responsive website important?

• Not being found on mobile Google searches will effect your business negatively: lost sales, profile, awareness, fundraising for non profits, finding employees and more.

• 57% of Canadians own a Smart Phone.

• Six in 10 Canadians access the Internet via a mobile device. ~ Cira 2014

• Your existing and new clients are searching online for your business via phones, tablets, laptops and desktop.

• Even word of mouth is spread via electronic devices followed by online searches, texting, messaging, sharing and emailing.

• Google: “The mobile-friendly update will boost the rankings of mobile-friendly pages– pages that are legible and usable on mobile devices — in mobile search results worldwide. Conversely, pages designed for only large screens may see a significant decrease in rankings in mobile search results.” (Note: it has already begun)

Does your website pass? Get a free Google Mobile-Friendly Test.

Contact me with your website link to chat about getting a responsive website. We’ll also do a free Google test for you!

~ Cheers, Laura
Your Marketing Director
tf: 1.855.571.0090



New Web/Print God & Goddess here!

Say Hi to Justin Monk and Shannon Bergin. The latest additions to our Engine Communications team! Justin is our Senior Designer, Print God and Award-winning Web Genius. Nothing stumps Shannon, Web Goddess, Code Master and Design Diva!

Special THANKS to our Loyalist Intern Brandon Bisson for being so awesome and also for the fab photography skills!Award-winner joins Engine!




Engine Communications has been taking #Google #Search Results by storm – ORGANICALLY, without paid ads!

How is this SEO happening?

Engine, a local branding and marketing agency researches your industry, competition, finds your (USP) unique selling points and then adds relevant content online. Most of all, they understand business and how clients/customers think. They are experts in Content Marketing, SEO (search engine optimization), Strategies, Branding and the Power of the Written Word.

“Thanks again for everything yesterday with respect to YP.  I shared the news and savings with the rest of my family & they were excited and shocked about the over $500/month savings!”

~ Mark Kotsovos. Tomasso’s Itallian Grille

Advertising Budget Results?

Ad budgets are being slashed and moved around, saving local businesses thousands in unnecessary expenditures.

Interested in Saving Money for Your Business?

Have Engine review your online presence. Call 613.771.0090 or email Laura

Want the Best Website?

Start With the Answer!

It’s not about you. People are so busy today, they’re either surfing the net or have landed on your #website via #Search Engines or connection recommendations because they’re looking for answers to their questions or problems.

It may be to learn, for entertainment, to connect, to increase their business or to find help for themselves, family or friends, but basically they’re looking for answers. They’re looking for content that provides VALUE, solving their needs, essentially answering the question:

‘What’s in it for me?’
People are too busy today, have too many choices and things to do. You have 3-5 seconds for users to decide if they are in fact on the right website, the best solution that answers their quest. So, your site better give them what they want, NOW.

Who Are They?
When you start with the answer, make sure you’re addressing the right people. No matter how big or small your business or organization is, the truth of the matter is that you are ‘speaking’ with ONE person when they’re on your website. It’s just one person and their computer or other electronic device.

That one person may indeed be and likely is, part of a larger group, whether it’s business or personal connections. The one thing you can be sure of, is, when you’ve answered their questions properly, they will let others know.

Who might they be?
This is where you must know the answer to ‘Who is my target market and demographic anyway?’.  Knowing who you’re ‘talking to’, helps you to make sure you answer the right questions, for the right people.

Content, design, navigation and functionality. A website strategist plans what your website will DO for users, long before the pretty colours and pictures are in place.

When we know what your website will DO for people, the answers come, in turn, answering the ‘What’s in it for me? question. This in then translated into the website structure for navigation, functionality and ultimately, the look and feel of the design.


One of the biggest mistakes made on websites is the failure to tell people what you want them to do with the information that you are providing. Tell them with  ‘Call to Action’ text, images, navigation and buttons.

Think About It
Here’s some questions to help you to get started with the answers:

1. What makes me so great?
This is where you turn your features and benefits into the answer to their problems. What’s your USP (unique selling point)?

2. What are my readers really looking for?
Solve their problems. Know your target market, learn their needs and give them what they want.

3. What action do I want users to take?
Do you want them to sign up, buy now, read on, learn more, contact someone, share with friends or comment? Tell them!

4. Do they need the whole enchilada?
You’ve heard the saying less is more? Way to often, websites have so much text, content, generally speaking, that it actually drives people away from websites. How much ‘So, who cares?’ info do you have on your site?

Grab users with content that matters to them. Show them you ARE the answer. You will be rewarded in spades.
Discover Engine Communications online and offline marketing solutions here. 

How can I increase my open rate on enewsletters?

There are a ton of elements you can vary to try to entice more of your subscribers to open up your emails. Here are just a few things you could try:

  • Experiment with your subject lines: Try including details about the content of the email right in the subject line, instead of using your standard subject.
  • Send on a different day: Are your subscribers too busy on a Wednesday morning to read your email, leaving it languishing down the inbox? Maybe a Tuesday afternoon email would be welcomed.
  • Get the important content up the top: Remember that many people will see a preview of your email before deciding to open it or ignore it. Make sure your email is recognizable, and that your key points are in the top third.

Get custom designed enews templates and systems from Engine Communications >