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Mentors Week: Fillmore’s turn

Shaun Fillmore, Interactive Design

Shaun Fillmore, Interactive Design

It is so much easier for me to list off influences rather than mentors when it comes to design. It is difficult to come up with someone I would consider a mentor. I would have to say, however, that an instructor named Chuck (think Gene Hackman with a mustache) was the closest thing to a design mentor to me. He is the kind of guy that is passionate about design and was always ready with pencil and tracing paper overlay to show you how you can improve your work (but only if you wanted to know). He is the kind of man who made you earn his respect.

Anyone who was in one of his classes will remember the phrase “distort the frame.”

As for true mentors… that distinction belongs to Sid Molenaar (He is husband to Cheryl – who Bryna mentioned in her post). The writing of this post comes at an interesting time for me. I have been reflecting on my relationship with Sid and the impact that he has had on my life. You see I am turning the age that Sid was when I first met him. Actually the first time I met him was at his surprise birthday party.

Sid made a point of taking me under his wing. He is an intense guy and has the ability to see potential in you and bring it out. I guess that is what good mentors do. Thanks Sid. I still want to be like you when I grow up.

Getting back to design – I thought I would let you all in on some of those influences I referred to.

Joseph Müller-Brockmann (One of the pioneers of the Swiss Typographic style and creator of the grid system for graphic Design) you can see a few examples here

Alphonse Mucha (Best known for his posters – incredible illustrator and painter. One of the most recognizable artists from the French Art Nouveau) see some of his work here

Paul Rand (Best known for his logo designs – such as ABC, UPS and IBM) see his site here

There are many more, but these are the ones that spring to mind first. Perhaps I can talk about some other more current influences another time.

Mentors Week: Shaun Talks Inspirational Design

Shaun Levy, President/Art Director

Shaun Levy, President/Art Director

Of course so many people are influences in our lives, but there are always a select few that really impact it–True mentors. For me it was a professor at George Brown College, Charles Fisch, RGD. None of the students really liked him, and ironically enough, neither did I until years later.

It was only after looking back on my schooling that I realized what valuable skills and lessons he had taught me. The importance of preparation, planning and research involved in creating effective design.

Some of these steps seemed like a waste of time when I could be saving the world one awesome design at a time. But it was exactly these processes that enabled me to maximize my efforts, and come up with well developed design concepts.

For most design students it is all about how good your final design piece is, but he wanted to see the process–the thumbnail sketches, the roughs, and that the files were properly constructed in the proper programs. He would always say that it didn’t matter how “pretty” the design was if it couldn’t go to prepress and be printed. So now after being in the industry for about 15 years and working in many different roles from a Junior Designer to now owning my own company, I can say thank you Charles Fisch for all the tedious work that paid off!

Three of My Favourite Resources for Design Inspiration:

  1. Communications Arts—all things communication, arts, design, photogrpahy. You name it, it’s there.
  2. Colour Lovers-monitors and influences colour trends in design. Really cool site.
  3. Creattica–news, design, branding, and more.

Theme Week! Mentors: Be Inspired

mentors11Today in her daily newsletter, Commentz, Sarah Evans, PR expert, guest speaker, and all around inspiring gal, offered the following question:

Who is your PR mentor/greatest source of inspiration? This person could be the reason you got into the field or someone who has helped you develop your skills…or has the job you aspire to.

Funny enough, this topic was really timely for a couple reasons:

Yesterday I actually met a woman, Cheryl Molenaar, who’s been inspiring me from across the country for the past two years. I’d never met her, and we’d never actually spoken (!) but there are just some people who’s words and deeds transcend all barriers. The funniest thing was that when we were introduced, she told me that I’d inspired her through my work! (Gratuitous hugging ensued, and also a really great connection for some future projects.)

Another moment came  last week when I was invited to speak at my alma mater, Loyalist College, by one of my mentors, Robert Kranendonk. I was with his group of Art & Design students, and I was really hoping that I would have something to give. I’m a writer, not a designer. But the wonderful thing about creative careers is that a lot of the concepts cross borders, and we ended up having a great (two hour long) discussion.

What I’ve learned about mentoring over the past week is that as much as we look up to others, sometimes we inspire them too. I think the underlying, core value of mentoring is mutual respect.

Kathy Filo

Kathy Filo

In Commentz, Sarah asked us to blog about our mentors. I thought this was a terrific opportunity to showcase some of the people in the lives of the Engine staff, who’ve made a huge impact.  All week long, we’ll be featuring our team and their mentors on the blog. We’d love to hear who inspires you too!

If you don’t know Kathy, she’s our Production Design Coordinator, and she gave us a taste of her design work on the blog, right here. With over 12 years in design, print production, and customer service, Kathy’s experience makes her an invaluable part of the Engine team.

Here’s what she had to say about her mentor, Larry Storing:

It’s funny that Bryna should ask us today who our mentors in business are. A couple of months ago I ran in to my mentor, Larry Storing, at the grocery store. I told him exactly this – that I truly consider him to be my mentor in business. I felt great telling him because I could see that he was proud.
I worked closely with Larry in bindery and prepress/finishing operations for over seven years in Trenton at DL Advertising Inc. before moving on to The Easier To Read Telephone Directory, Essence, Design Guys and now Engine. He was both patient and fun to work with, and he considered me to be one of his peers (being a female in a male-dominated environment, I really appreciated that).
Everything I learned at Mohawk College (I have a Graphic Art Production Co-ordinator Diploma) I put into practice with Larry: dark room camera work, film stripping, platemaking, folding, numbering, trimming, booklet-making, quoting, you name it. I did it. To this day it is that invaluable experience which I take with me every day when I design and quote on jobs for print.
Thank you, again Larry for giving me the tools I needed to succeed in our industry.

Dream Big

van-gogh-vincent-starry-night-7900566This morning I had the privilege to speak to the students in the Loyalist College Public Relations program, of which I am a graduate.

In remembering my time there, and the snippets of wisdom I might have to impart to those just beginning their journey, I realized that everything I learned in school I learned from Loyalist PR.

Kerry Ramsay, the coordinator and facilitator of the program, is one of the most amazing, dynamic teachers I know. She inspired our class to get involved in our community, to give back to others, and that PR is inherently about servant leadership.

Above all she encouraged us to dream BIG!

She pushed us out of our comfort zones into places of creativity and experience that I had never had in four previous years of post-secondary. She gave us the skills and practical know-how to excel in our fields. She also imparted in our class (and many others from what I’ve heard), a fearlessness to take on big projects, communicate effectively, and do things we never thought possible.

Being back in her classroom this morning brought so many memories back. Getting to stand up with one of my fellow grads, the ever-eloquent and hilarious Jeff Lauritsen, was such a treat. It’s amazing when you see pieces of your life come full circle.

For anyone reading this who might be looking for inspiration, I encourage you to dream big. Do something you’d never do. Look for creativity in the most unlikely places. And check out the Loyalist PR blog. You’re sure to find something to bring out the best in you. I know I did.

Eureka! 10 Things That Are Inspiring Us Today

Ok, ok, I know the ‘Top 10’ list concept has been overdone. But sometimes it’s interesting to know what’s inspiring other people to do what they do. That’s why I’ve complied a ‘Top 10’ of sorts.

Here’s what I’m  loving today at Engine:

  1. United Way of Quinte’s 2009 Campaign Lauch – I love our community! I don’t think I can say it enough. To see so many people come out to support the United Way’s launch at the Quinte Mall this morning was inspiring. Despite hard economic times, the Quinte region has pulled together and overcome what many others haven’t. Why? Because we act when others just talk.
  2. j0434124Nature – We have had the most beautiful week, weather-wise, here in Belleville that we have experienced all summer. (Fall, you get my vote on favourite season. Summer, disappointing show this year.)  The world is an amazing place, and nature has inspired designers, writers, and artists since time began. The National Geographic website is an ode to all that is planet earth.
  3. Gorgeous Enterprises – Gorgeous is a London-based production company that specialises in high end, creative projects. I posted a link on our Facebook Fan Page a couple days ago, but I can’t get enough. These guys do advertising right.
  4. Shakespeare – Yes, the bard is bringing back my love of all things wordplay and innuendo (I’m reading Much Ado About Nothing). If you need to shake-up (pun intended) your brainstorming sessions, try solving problems with iambic pentameter. Now that’s a creative challenge!
  5. u21jpgU2No Line on the Horizon is magnificent. I said it. These guys prove that you can reinvent yourself over and over as long as you stick to your values. Do you remember Pop, their one misstep in 33 years? Ya, me either. They’re that good. (I’m seeing them live on the 16th, just sayin’.)
  6. The New Yorker – Insightful commentary laced with humour and satire. What could be better? This is for moments when you want to feel urbane without having to try too hard.
  7. The Yellow Bird Project – Indie rock musicians create t-shirts with the proceeds going to charity. Awesome. And I have to say, I love the website design.
  8. Toronto International Film Festival – Spotlight on Canada! TIFF is one of the most highly anticipated film festivals in the world, and with good reason. The premiere I wish I was going to? Jason Reitman’s Up in the Air starring George Clooney.
  9. free-chris-anderson-ebookFree: The Future of a Radical Price Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired magazine, makes the argument that in the digital age, the whole economy is shifting to an era where ‘free’ is the new price. Yikes! Sound daunting? This book has taken my thinking to new levels in terms of creative business solutions. Love it!
  10. Social Media Campaigns that Work – What does Imogen Heap have in common with a squirrel? More than you’d expect. Two very different SM marketing campaigns that have taken off, and produced results.

What’s inspring YOU today?