Our world and Wall-E

I came across this just this morning:

Yahoo! widgets for your TV

Yahoo! widgets for your TV

Yahoo now provides you the ability to access the internet through widgets on your TV (provided you have the proper TV of course). What does this mean? Why you can Twitter right from the comfort of your sofa with nothing more than your televisions remote. Check out this post by Jean Aw of NOTCOT about this very thing.

I am not an alarmist by any stretch, but I couldn’t help having  visions of floating along through space aboard the “Buy n’ Large” Axiom on my hoverchair (if you haven’t seen Wall-E yet, you really should).

Our future?

Our future?

I am all for convenience and integration… but how far is too far? I wonder if we will notice when we start losing our muscle mass?

The flip side of course is that Social media has an even broader audience. Interesting…

Artistic friends

One of my great pleasures in life is art. I count myself blessed to work in a field that gives me exposure to diverse expressions of art. I also have the privilege of being friends with some very talented people. I was visiting the site of an artist friend of mine last night. She works in a number of different mediums, but it is Pamela Marie Pierce’s line work and mosaics that I like best. You can visit her blog here and her site here.

Lapin Au Printemps

Lapin Au Printemps



Cannons Cats

Cannons Cats

Etch-a-Sketch in 3D?

I can remember spending hours as a kid on the original etch-a-sketch. I think I would still play with one of these babies:

Etch-a-Sketch 3D

Etch-a-Sketch 3D

Sketch 3D

Sketch 3D

Sketch-3D is a system that allows you to draw in three dimensions using three dials and “3D glasses. Kind of like the old Etch-a-Sketch, but way cooler.

Sketch-3D is an interactive, integrated software/hardware system that enables users to create their own anaglyphic 3D drawings. By using a ubiquitous interface metaphor (the “Etch-A-Sketch “), Sketch-3D allows anyone to participate in generating stereoscopic imagery in a way that is simple and engaging. In addition to the personal experience, Sketch-3D can be scaled to work with any output device from large scale projection to plasma displays to an integrated LCD. This versatility allows for Sketch-3D to be tailored to fit a wide array of installation environments.”

Via LikeCool.com

Of course I could only ever draw straight lines with my Etch a Sketch. George Vlosich shows how its done:

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods

See more of George’s work here.