World Humanitarian Day → dtpicsmall
Dave Toycen, President of World Vision Canada, is visiting the Kabindi Health Centre which is in Rwanguba, an area 3 hours north of Goma in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Dave is sitting with Esperance Yamureone and her son Ushindi who is 12 months old and has been sick for six of those months. Esperance has had a rough life – her husband was shot twice, once in the head (until this day the bullet is still lodged in his skull), and once through his hand and into his chest which broke a rib. Esperance also lost a child who was also shot by soldiers who attacked her village. Esperance says; “I want this war to end so I can provide food for my family”. The Kabindi health centre, which gets funding from World Vision, sees 300 to 500 people every day. The doctors take note of each childs age, height, weight and look for any signs of sickness or malnutrition such as swelling or edema. In short, they assess whether the child is healthy enough to go home or if the child needs treatment in one of the few local hospitals. The most common sickness that happens in the area of Rwanguba is Malaria, diarrhea, malnutrition and/or respiratory illness.