When Writer’s Block is OK

Posted on Thursday, September 24th, 2009 at 4:01 pm by bryna

I have to be honest, today I don’t feel much like writing. What?! I know, this could be a bad sign. I should clarify.

I love writing. It’s my favourite thing to do. I love writing for clients, I love blogging, I love just scribbling ideas on a pad of paper. Words are my passion. But today I’m learning something very important–sometimes it’s good to have writer’s block.


Because then you have time to listen.

Listening is important. As professionals (and as business people generally) we have to be able to sit back and really hear what our clients are asking of us. We have to understand their needs, their vision and their goals. Most of us in communications are here because we like to talk. We talk on the phone, we email, we tweet and facebook. We love sharing information! That’s a good thing. It’s amazing!


On the flip side, sometimes we have to remind ourselves that it’s not just about us. Sitting back and listening to what others have to say is just as rewarding as producing meaningful content of our own. It’s ok to be still and soak things in. Producing for production’s sake isn’t always in our client’s best interest.

So today I’m taking this opportunity to give the stage to some people who are saying some cool things. I’m listening. Maybe you should be too.

Five Things I’m Listening to Today:

  1. Umair Haque The Awesomeness Manifesto We put ‘awesomesauce’ on everything we do at Engine, so this resonated. Seriously though, it’s a challenge to the idea of ‘innovation.’ Haque always makes me think–really, really, really hard. (Credit to the Coversation Agent blog for this find.)
  2. Google Sidewiki – Checking out this new app from Google, and listening to what @Aerocles and others are saying about it on The Legend of Aerocles blog.
  3. How not to suck at blogging @manvsdebt has some great tips and videos in this post. I love that it’s experiential, and not just a regurgitated list of do’s and dont’s. The clip from Gary Vanynerchuk is so motivating, but it’s riddled with swears, so if you’re easily offended…ummm…
  4. The Belleville Intelligencer – It’s important to know what’s happening in your community. We all know this. This is my community. Welcome! Follow them @TheIntell on Twitter.
  5. I’ve been really loosely playing with the term ‘listening’ as much of what I’m doing is technically ‘reading’ but I think you’re all smart enough to understand what I mean. Here though, is one for your listening (dictionary definition) pleasure: The Cinematic Orchestra featuring Patrick Watson, To Build a Home.

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