You are currently browsing the Engine Communications posts tagged: reading

Let’s Play!

Don't just sit there! You need to play as much as this guy.

Don't just sit there! You need to play as much as this guy.

I was reading Chris Brogan’s newsletter from December 15, again this morning, as I sat suffering from a small case of blog-writer’s block. If you don’t subscribe to his newsletter, you must do so immediately. It’s always a wealth of information, and Chris has such a transparent way of writing. He’s really generous in sharing the strategies he uses in his own busines. But I digress…

Chris was talking about playing games. He asked why, as adults, we don’t do so more often. Good question! Creativity and playing games help us engage in open possibilities. As adults we tend to forget how playing games helps us to understand the world.

Think about Christmas morning: Why do most young children like to play with the box more than the present inside? Because it allows them to use their imaginations. There aren’t any rules or boundaries; they just think possibility. As adults in business, we could stand a little childhood regression.

It just so happens that sitting on my desk is a great book that I love to pull out when I’m in need of possibility. It’s called Thinker Toys: A handbook of creative thinking techniques, and it’s written by Michael Michalko. Thinker Toys is really a big book of games for grown-ups.

Combining individual, and group, brainstorming techniques, Michalko helps the reader to open their mind up to inspiration from many directions. It’s stretching and motivating, and really fun. If you, like Chris, recognize that games are good for business, you should add a copy to your Christmas wishlist.

Then, take a look at our Facebook Fan Page for some creative thinking ideas to bring out your inner child.

How do you get creative in the workplace? Any tips or techniques?

Monday Morning Reads

j0438525Coffee. Check.

Music. Check.

Articles to inspire. Check.

A list of what I’m reading this morning:

AdvertisingAge’s Book of Tens – The ten best of everything media, design, marketing, and more. If you’re in any creative field, this is a must-read. If you’re not, it’s still a must-read. So read it. Now.

Fast Company: Mr. Social – I have to admit, I always wondered what Demi saw in him. How Ashton Kutcher has proven me wrong, and why he matters to the future of social media.

The New Yorker: Branded a Cheat – I’ve been trying to avoid the Tiger gossip machine, but for us PR/marketing types, this is going to be a case study. Put down the US Weekly, and pick up the New Yorker.

Wired: James Cameron and Avatar – What James Cameron’s epic new film means for movies, media, and the future of communications.

Ad Week 2010 – I’m not so much reading this as I am madly planning my itinerary. But if we’re talking inspiration, then I can hardly leave it out.

What are you reading? Who’s inspiring you today?