Gumball 3000

Posted on Friday, May 7th, 2010 at 10:54 am by Kathy Filo

Last night I went to Toronto to see the most awesome, most expensive cars in the world at the Gumball 3000. It was last-minute, but totally worth it! I have some cool shots of some of the beautiful cars that were there. Umm…does anyone have about 50,000 US dollars …and a Porsche or a Lamborghini to loan me so that I can enter next year? Enjoy the pics!


{ 3 comments to read ... please submit one more! }

  1. Excellent pics Kathy! I'll see what I can do about the US$50,000 for you. As for the car, you're on your own there…haha!

  2. Wow Kathy, these cars are incredible.

  3. Wow Kathy, these cars are incredible.

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