The Deep (Fried) South

Posted on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009 at 10:13 am by Engine Communications

Part Two of our Creative Director, Sarah’s adventures in Oklahoma. Thanks for the post, Sarah! (With photo commentary by Bryna.)

The Oklahoma State Fair is the one yearly event that anyone who is in Oklahoma should attend, if only to see the wide variety of food that can be fried and served on a wooden stick!
After fighting with traffic to find a parking spot, my family attended the fair, and had quite the eye opening experience. You can definitely tell where some Oklahomans get their “shapely” figure from.
Some examples of the most interesting deep fried foods, served on a stick are:

Butter with Sugar
Hot dogs
Mash Potatoes and bacon

I'm assuming this is Chris, and I'm assuming this is the dinner portion of the meal.

I'm assuming this is Chris, and I'm assuming this is the dinner portion of the meal.

Then for dessert, chocolate dipped bananas, cheese cake, ice cream and there are so much more! But wait ! Don’t forget to finish your meal with curly friends and a turkey drumstick!!

Chris eating dessert. My concern is for his arteries ;)

Chris eating dessert. My concern is for his arteries 😉

Certainly an experience worth going to if you are in Oklahoma!
(Thank you to Chris for letting me use his photos for demonstration purposes)

Sarah's gorgeous son, enjoying some mystery meat. Are we sure this is legal?

Sarah's gorgeous son, enjoying some mystery meat. Are we sure this is legal?

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{ 3 comments to read ... please submit one more! }

  1. As proud as one can expect a wife to be, Sarah;)

  2. It was quite the experience… Mellissa how could you not be proud with photos of your hubby eating his “entree” of pizzaon a paint stick? Lol

  3. Owie is devouring a turkey leg the size of his head!!

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