Logo design/redesign process

Posted on Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 at 12:14 pm by Shaun Fillmore

It is often surprising to see the process involved in creating things that we so often take for granted. My recent trip to the Black Prince Winery for example (during our 100 mile diet) opened my eyes to the process and science of wine making – fascinating stuff. On the flip side, I think people seldom realize what kind of process is involved in graphic design and logo design in particular. There are so many things to consider, company history, existing brand recognition, client’s taste, the business/organization’s values and the image they wish to convey.

Once you have gathered that information, the part begins – brainstorming, initial sketches, ideas, reducing all the abstract information into something simple, elegant and iconic, selection of typefaces/fonts, colours, refining the design, revisions, revisions, revisions…

So, for a real-world example of this process, check out the Brand New web site’s article on the New York Public Library’s logo redesign – I think you may be surprised.


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