Health and Fitness Week

Posted on Monday, May 31st, 2010 at 2:47 pm by Kathy Filo
This week is Health and Fitness Week in the city of Belleville, Quinte West, and Prince Edward County. A nice lead in to this week was the Health & Fitness Expo held at the Wally Dever arena this past weekend. The nice weather did not stop people from attending the show, which was great to see! Local area businesses, government, and service groups were on hand offering invaluable information on how we all can live a more healthy and active lifestyle. Some of Engine’s clients had booths in the show. They presented lots of information on how you and your family can stay healthy and fit. Please visit their websites for further information.

Essential Relaxation

Since last Fall I have been making a conscious effort to be more active by taking spinning/bosu classes, and I have also been more aware of what foods I’ve been allowing in to my body. I’ll admit though, it’s hard to learn a new way of living! Sure, I’ve skipped a gym class or two due to laziness, or a night out with the girls, etc. It’s hard work, but the benefits far outweigh the sore muscles!

I thought The Health & Wellness show was a great resource for anyone trying to embrace a more healthy way of living. There were fitness demonstrations, free seminars, and speakers on hand offering lots of information to help us embrace positive change. What will you be doing this week for Health & Fitness week? I will work in my friend’s garden tonight, go to the gym tomorrow night , and I might take a walk along the Waterfront trail. I might even try cooking up some tofu!


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