
Posted on Wednesday, January 13th, 2010 at 10:50 am by bryna

At this point, the world is in shock over the devastation this country suffered on Tuesday as a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the island of Hispaniola–the epicentre of its force being only 14 miles away from the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince.

Some of you may know, but for those of you who don’t, I was scheduled to board a plane to Haiti on January 27th, for a two weeks of humanitarian relief work.

I don’t know the fate of that trip; I don’t even know if they have an airport. An estimated 3 million people have been affected by this disaster–something no one in Haiti can afford. Most of Haiti’s approximately 9 million residents already live on $1.00 per day. They are the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Cite-Soleil, one of Port-au-Prince’s shanty towns is the poorest neighbourhood in the world with 300,000 people living in abject poverty.

My heart breaks for these people. It has for awhile, which is was going there. And right now, I unabashedly plea with you to act. Nothing is more important today then helping those who can’t help themselves.

My friends at World Vision Canada are already on the ground in Haiti, with emergency response teams being organized, and help being brought to residents as quickly as possible. We won’t know the full extent of the damage for days, but we can all do our part.

Give to World Vision Canada’s Haiti Relief Efforts

If you’re from the Quinte region, and you want to give directly to local efforts, then please email Rick Langstaff of New Mercy Ministries at nmmcanada@hotmail.com or you can donate to NMM’s Haiti relief by visiting Desert Stream Christian Fellowship at 535 Dundas St E. in Belleville.

Thank you!

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