Let the tweeting begin!
From the moment we climbed the stair case at Earl & Angelo’s restaurant in Belleville, the #bvilletweets excitement began. We were greeted by staff and management, and assured that we were free to roam the premises – anything we needed we could ask for. Drinks were ordered and free appetizers were given as tweeter after tweeter entered into the lounge, filling out name tags with their Twitter handles, and sparking conversation. A great time was had by all, and we can’t wait to do it again soon!
Special thanks to the Winding Violets, who once again came out and documented our revelry on film. Make sure to follow the Winding Violets on Twitter and Facebook. For a complete album of pictures, check out our Facebook Fan Page.
Here’s what our interns had to say about their experience:
Posted By: @MichealBMcCaul
This was an exceptional, real-time experience. I was able to derive from it exactly what was intended; finally meeting some of the local tweeters and business professionals I tweet with on a daily basis. For example, I recently had been followed and in turn I began to follow @erinallen89, whom I met at the Tweet Up; reconnect with some others that I have known for some time now but do not share a more personal connection with like @CouncillorTom, and also meet, shake hands with and learn from Quinte Tweeters that I have never had the pleasure of meeting like Belleville’s well-respected @MayorNeilEllis.
The Tweet Up was a hit. With 47 Quinte Tweeters in attendance, free appetizers all around (courtesy of E&A’s Thursday evening happy hour), and a facilitating management staff. Connections were sparked; both established and re-established. Through planning this event, my excitement built up and seeing its successes was rather gratifying.
Posted By: @JerikaBradford
The Engine Tweet Up was a great opportunity for both young and experienced professionals to gather, socialize, have a drink (or two), and have a great time in Belleville. This was an event to put a face to a Twitter name to whomever we’re following, who we’ve RT’d, and who we’ve replied to.
I was one of the first to arrive and one of the last people to leave the Tweet Up and seeing it from beginning to the end was amazing. Having both rooms barely full near the beginning of the night to being packed full of people ready to chat, meet new people, and have a great time was wonderful.
I chatted with a few of my classmates and roommates afterwards and we’ve come to the conclusion that Belleville needs more events like this. These events are fun, exciting, and educational. I love to hear other people’s stories, their experiences, and how they got to where they are now. I am definitely looking forward to more events such as this!
Posted By: @ellewallis
The Engine Tweet Up was a huge success. It was a great event for local tweeters to get together and socialize in real life, rather than through their social media accounts. Being one of the first to arrive I had the added excitement of watching everyone spill in and was glad to see such a wonderful turnout.
Once everyone had a drink in their hand and some free appetizers in their belly, the mingling began. I was able to chat with fellow co-workers and old friends from school for most of the night, and of course added a few followers to my list. The highlight of my evening was introducing myself to the mayor and discussing his vibrant tie choice. It was a wonderful way to put a face to the names and I look forward to the next one!
Thanks to all in attendance, and Earl & Angelo’s, for a wonderful, successful and most memorable evening.

Engine's very own, Kerry Patrick

@MayorNeilEllis in conversation with Quinte tweeters

@CouncillorTom, one of Belleville's newest Twitter users

The Belleville Intelligencer's @BillGlisky

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