Happy New Year to All!

Posted on Friday, January 8th, 2010 at 11:32 am by Engine Communications
Spice (like paprika) adds flavour to dishes, so you can skip the butter and salt. (In theory.)

Spice (like paprika) adds flavour to dishes, so you can skip the butter and salt. (In theory.)

Wow, what an awesome break, almost two weeks off–perfect! Just enough time off to enjoy family and friends, and just enough time off to really be ready to send the kids back to school. There’s that routine thing rearing its head again. Thank goodness for routines.

With the new year, comes my least favorite tradition, the “New Years Resolution”. The pressure of coming up with something that is truly going to make a difference in your life? Come on, do we really have to do this? I’m just chicken because I know that I’m no good at keeping them–resolutions that is.

So here it goes, I want to try to cut back and make some simple changes to my eating habits. No, really, I mean it…. Easier said than done, I know. I think that the key here is not to overdue it. So many people make resolutions that they can’t even come close to keeping; me I’m going to start off small.

Things like less salt and butter (killing me just talking about it, I love my salt and butter. Food just tastes so much better with it!); incorporating fish into our diet a few times a week; and one more–eating breakfast. I never eat breakfast. I’m too busy making sure that my kids eat theirs and have a healthy lunch packed. By the time I’m done this, my breakfast plans are out the window, or more like out the door.

Sitting down to the table twice a day as a family is a good thing. It means that I am looking after myself as well as my boys! If anyone has some good quick breakfast recipes, please share, I really need some help in this department.

Good luck with your resolutions, and remember, keep them simple and don’t stress!

In keeping with my resolution, I thought that I would share a salmon recipe that I made recently.

paprikaRubbed Salmon With Smoky Maple Glaze

Smoky Rub

  • 3 tbsp firmly packed brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp smoked paprika
  • 1 1/2 tsp cracked black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp of cumin
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne
  • 1 tsp salt

Mix all ingredients together and keep in airtight container or jar. Recipe makes a fair amount so you can keep and use in other recipes. (Awesome on ribs)

  • 4 skinless salmon fillets
  • Olive oil for brushing on fillets
  • Smoky rub
  • Maple syrup – just enough to drizzle over salmon

paprikasalmonRinse and pat salmon pieces dry with paper towel. Place salmon on a baking sheet lined with foil (makes for easier clean up). Brush salmon with olive oil and then rub with smoky rub to cover top of salmon and drizzle pieces with maple syrup. Bake in 350 oven for 25 – 35 minutes depending on the size of the salmon. Broil for an additional 5 – 7 min. to get the top brown & crispy.

Enjoy with wild rice and steamed veggies of choice.

Wine – if you prefer red wine, I would suggest a Pinot Noir as it is a lighter red. A nice buttery chardonnay would pair really well with the meaty fish.



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